With the hunger of a lion, the strength of a Sun
I don't need to sweat it when the competition come
Original style, like an 808 drum
So I don't run the track, no, I make the track run
My momma taught me words, my daddy built rockets
I hold 'em both together now, tell me what I got
It's a pretty small weapon, I can shoot it, I can drop it
But learn to respect it 'cause you clearly can't stop it
Like that
It ain't over
'Cause the sharks on the left side, the snakes on the right
And anything you do, they wanna get a little bite
It really doesn't matter if you're wrong or if you're right
'Cause once they get their teeth in nothing really fights
And razzle me I do it like I got nothing to lose
And you can run your mouth like you could try to fill my shoes
But steady little soldier, I ain't standing next to you
I can lay it on the ground before you're even in my view
Like that
Give me the strength of the rising Sun
Give me the truth of the words unsung
And when the last bells ring, the poor men sing
Bring me to kingdom come
This is something for your people on the block to
Blackout and rock to, give you what you need
Like Papa, who shot you
Seperate the weak from the obsolete
the meek, I creep hard on impostors
And switch styles on the dime, quick-witted y'all
Quit tripping, I don't have time for your crying
I grind tough, sucka, make your mind up
Are you in the firing squad or are you in the line-up?
Bang, bang, little monkey man playing
With the big guns only get you slayed
I ain't playing, I'm just saying
You ain't got a sliver of a chance
I get ill and ride the rhythm while you quiver in your parents
So shake, shake down, Money, here's the break down
You can play the bank, Imma play the bank take down
And no mistakes now I'm coming to get you
I'm just a Banksy, you're a Brainwash, get the picture?
It's like that
We swim against the rising waves
That crash against the shore
My body bends until it breaks
The early morning sings no more
So rest your head, It's time to sleep
And dream of what's in store
My body bends until it breaks
And sings again no more
Because time has torn the flesh away
The early morning sings no more
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