Yo, peep the style and the kids checking for it
The number one question is
How could you ignore it
We drop right back in the cut over basement tracks
With raps that got you backing this up like
[Rewind that]
We're just rolling with the rhythm
Rise from the ashes of stylistic division
With these non-stop lyrics of life living
Not to be forgotten but still unforgiven
But in the meantime there are those who wanna talk this and that
So I suppose that it gets to a point
Where feelings got to get hurt
And get dirty with the people spreading the dirt, it goes
Tried to give you warning
But everyone ignores me
[Told you everything loud and clear]
But nobody's listening
Call to you so clearly
But you don't want to hear me
Told you everything loud and clear]
But nobody's listening
I've got a heart full of pain head full of stress
Hand full of anger held in my chest
And everything left is a waste of time
I hate my rhymes
[But I hate everyone else's more]
I'm riding on the back of this pressure
Guessing that it's better I can't keep myself together
Because all of this stress gave me something to write on
And the pain gave me something I could set my sights on
You never forget the blood, sweat, and tears
The uphill struggle over years
The fear and trash talking and the people it was to
And the people that started it just like you
Tried to give you warning
But everyone ignores me
[Told you everything loud and clear]
But nobody's listening
Call to you so clearly
But you don't want to hear me
[Told you everything loud and clear]
But nobody's listening
I've got a heart full of pain head full of stress
Hand full of anger held in my chest
Uphill struggle blood, sweat, and tears
Nothing to gain everything to fear
Heart full of pain head full of stress
Hand full of anger held in my chest
Uphill struggle blood, sweat, and tears
Nothing to gain everything to fear
Heart full of pain
Tried to give you warning
But everyone ignores me
[Told you everything loud and clear]
But nobody's listening
Called to you so clearly
But you don't want to hear me
[Told you everything loud and clear]
But nobody's listening
I've got a heart full of pain head full of stress
[Nobody's listening]
Hand full of anger held in my chest
[Nobody's listening]
Uphill struggle blood, sweat, and tears
[Nobody's listening]
Nothing to gain everything to fear
[Nobody's listening]
Coming at you
Coming at you
Coming at you
Coming at you from every side
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Спасибо, что посетили страницу песни Linkin Park - Nobody's listening на нашем ресурсе. Мы бы хотели немного рассказать о возможностях и преимуществах нашего портала. Наш сервис ежедневно добавляет новые mp3 треки и предлагает их Вам, чтобы Вы смогли скачать их бесплатно или прослушать онлайн через наш удобный flash плеер. Знатоки по достоинству оценят коллекцию песен исполнителя Linkin Park, которая представлена на нашем ресурсе.
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