You hear the beat, as it makes u, not wanna go to sleep
I knock on dakota's door, its locked so i go to creep
Round' the back, with binoculars, not cuz i wanna peep
But because im hungry, she smells like taco's i wanna eat
Visions of hot chocolatey marshmallows, oh so sweet, with sugarplums
Oh look here comes marshall, he's on your street
He's placing hot smoldering charcoals beneath your feet
Now walk on em', he's dancing with carcass's cheek to cheek
Like a thanksgiving turkey, a holiday ham
Cinnamon sprinkled on toast, strawberry marmalade jam
Flavor my favorite graham craackers with jonbenet rams'
I guess a modern day jack the ripper is all that i am
Cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl's asleep
But i can hear u my love, you keep calling me
I want the world to know, you mean the world to me
So when you call me to come, I will answer
Cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl's asleep
I hear my music box, playing a song for me
So wont you whirl around, and do a whirl for me
And won't you be my private dancer
I almost look comatosed, who wants to be sober? gross
I foam like a doverman, mouth open, I over-dose
Put coke up my nostrils, in both my holes, then I plug my nose
My pupils quadruple in size, eyes are so bugged I know
I put on my mother's make-up, get naked and run around
Waving a gun around, I think I'm down to 100 pounds
There's thunder, I wonder how come it rains but the sun is out
The devil's upset with his wife, they must be slugging it out
I must be bugging the fuck out, but what the fuck about
Voices are leading me up to the attic, I love my house
They pull and they tug my blouse, the sound of a music box
Comes from inside the toy chest but what do I do, it's locked
I pick it and open it, but its stuffed full of human parts
I dig til' i find it, I wind it up and a tune just starts
It's playing a song, so beautiful, and the room is dark
The moon is full, I smell a funeral, guess I'll loom in the park (??)
Cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl's asleep
But i can hear u my love, you keep calling me
I want the world to know, you mean the world to me
So when you call me to come, I will answer
Cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl's asleep
I hear my music box, playing a song for me
So wont you whirl around, and do a whirl for me
And won't you be my private dancer
I'm fixated on afixiating and breaking this little chicks neck like a Pixie stick
The sick satan worshiping, bitches get whore's whippings
I'm in the back, through the back door,
Slipping through the crack, leavin' the corpse drippin'
The mortician of love, sent from above, forced ??
???? ................... stingy I've become
Been doin this for more then a quarter century I'm just numb
Am I dreamin? is it real? someone pinch me on the buns
The time has come, to tie her up, gotta roll me the ladder
I've hadda enough of the chatter, climb up to the window, look at her
Then climb in slow to shatter her brain matter, and batter her
With the bat, a matter of fact, that will splatter her
But before I do that, I'll have a chat to flatter her
Give her 2 compliments back to back like tabitha
Im your secret admirer, I'm back to ravage ya
So strong is your fight, but you're no match for dracula
Prolongin' her pipe, as I go back to stabbing her
Dismember her limbs, simple as that, cadabera
Zoom in with the lens, then pan back the camera
Stand back, cuz here comes your man jack, so pamela bring the music box
Cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl's asleep
But i can hear u my love, you keep calling me
I want the world to know, you mean the world to me
So when you call me to come, I will answer
Cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl's asleep
I hear my music box, playing a song for me
So wont you whirl around, and do a whirl for me
And won't you be my private dancer
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