I'm a loser yes its true
feels like I'm losing since I met you
through the good times and the bad
feels like I'm losing all I've ever had
Check it out
back in the days there was ways
I was movin on guns all ablaze
pullin on the past like I do
Still cant forgive all the abuse
that aint no way to rise from the crib
Still runnin hard from the shit
Why you wanna push my buttons?
Makin sure that I feel nothin?
Do you really think you need to remind me
everytime every single second that I'm alive
just to make yourself feel better? I dont think so
I just wanna do it all right
Find me better place in this life
we bring out the worst in each other
That aint no way to love one another
I just wanna be okay
There aint nothin wrong with that
I'm losing my life away
Losin myself and I want it back.
I'm a loser yes its true
feels like I'm losing since I met you
through the good times and the bad
feels like I'm losing all I've ever had
Check it out
Do you remember when we both used to be so in love for eternity?
All the promises that we made
All our friends said we had it made
yea, there were times we were rough
times we were down, world spinnin round
Everybody goes through a brawl
But me and you could crash through it all
We were both lions in a cage
we were both livin through the rage
we were still afraid and we both had everything but didnt have it made
Im really feelin bad that we both gonna have to say goodbye now
But it is what it is baby I'm gonna have to take a time out
I just wanna be okay
There aint nothin wrong with that
I'm losing my life away
Losin myself and I want it back.
I'm a loser yes its true
feels like I'm losing since I met you
through the good times and the bad
feels like I'm losing all I've ever had
I just wanna be okay
There aint nothin wrong with that
I'm losing my life away
Losin myself and I want it back.
I'm a loser yes its true
feels like I'm losing since I met you
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