I think my heart might explode
Cause now I feel the weight
of your love on me now
From my head down to my toes
cause I can't handle nothin' else
I'm starring at the mirror at these clothes
That is funny, they mean about as much as yesterday
Something is calling me home, me home
I can hear your voice and I'm not afraid
Now I know I'm just a girl
Trying to make my way through this life
Now I feel bigger than the world
With your hand in mine
Like a speeding bullet
Trying to make my way back through the night
And now I feel bigger then the world
With your hand in mine
Boy, I'll take care of the storm
Let's sneak right pass the cloud of where it sworn
And I can handle the people
There just pebble's on the long, long road
I'm starring at the sky at those stars
And it's funny, they seem about as far as tomorrow
Something is calling me home, me home
And I'm not afraid, no
Cause I can see everything from high above
The Earth is a little place next to my love
I can be strong here where you are
Just look for me in the sky, I'm not that far
Now I know I'm just a girl
Trying to make my way through this life
Now I feel bigger than the world
With your hand in mine
Like a speeding bullet
Trying to make my way back through the night
And now I feel bigger than the world
With your hand in mine
Now I feel bigger than the trees
That holds the leaves
Bigger than the mountains
That touch the sea
Bigger than the night
That needs to stay
Bigger than the waves
That crash the bay
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