Hold on a sec let me just get this straight you're leaving now
You're going through that shit and tell me that we're even now
It ain't no way to right the wrong I did I know it's wack
But you don't go and fuck someone else just to get me back
No common name we lose some things that ain't planned
I didn't even know her name I didn't even ask
Man I wasn't thinking at all, at all
I know you don't love and lust can be two different thing
But there are men in every strip club wearing wedding rings
And I ain't say this right
And I'm just saying the truth
That we don't think alike
We ain't made the same as you
I don't carry no emotions for that other chick
Ain't no relationship look I was on some selfish shit
But I love you girl and you know that
You know that so won't you come back
Says she has no time
She said she said
She said she said
Says she has no time
She said she said
She said she said
I'm pretty sure that right now my words are kinda useless
And even as I say them I hear bullshit and excuses
But I'd rather be real and tell you for a lot of us
It's a conscious effort not to stray and stay monogamous
And you can tell your girls and they'll think I'm a jerk
But I'm willing to do anything girl to make it work
Cause now I just regret it
Says she has no time
She said she said
She said she said
Says she has no time
She said she said
She said she said
And ever since then it's been weighing on my mind
Weighing on my mind
That's why I couldn't hold a lie
And told you everything that happened thinking that would make it right
I should have lied I should have lied
Cause you'd have took the guilt out of me
But it changed the way that you see me
I see you
Can't let this slide
Says she has no time
She said she said
She said she said
Says she has no time
She said she said
She said she said
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