I had a friend named Victor
The two of us used to hang every single day
and it seemed like overnight that his whole life just
I know when his mom and dad broke up
it didnt make sense but I know that his dad was a drunk
and he gambled away the rent
pretty soon vic was seein red
pissed off but instead
he drank every night til he passed out
then he'd do it all again
the whole time he was fine on the outside to cover the pain
but on the inside all he was tryin to do was get away
Dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday go slipping through the cracks
Funny how things change color
then fade to another shade
When you had it made it was all good
but now look just another day
it was so fresh it was so clean
now its all gone
1, 2, 3, lights out
which way to turn
cant get a grip
all alone in a big white house
everyday gets worse and your just cursed
til your head bursts and it hurts so bad
she left like yourself should have thought of that one
no family, no kids, can't accept what you did
now you wanna runaway but you can't cuz the past comes back
Slippin through the cracks
Sip a little jack
Go to bed half dead
What about rent
Why does every cent gotta be a bet
Whens it gonna end
Oh my god, we dont got a penny left
My moms gotta find a way to get a job
Outta debt, outta dodge, outta breath, outta this big
My pops wanna get away from the pain
In a better place in his brain
But the medication he takes makes him wasted
So sick if hes gonna think the good lord would come take
Im shakin him now wake up you son of a bitch
He's dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday go slipping through the cracks
Hiding himself away watching all the memories fade
Away From red to black
He's dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday go slipping through the cracks
Hiding himself away watching all the memories fade
Away From red to black
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