But she the type of girl drive the whole hood crazy
Little Red Riding Hood riding M80’s
The type of girl that will probably be famous
Hollywood superstar, magazine pages
Apparently she had a thing for a nigga
Unfortunately the nigga wasn’t me
Nowadays she’s the life of the party
Glamorous and glossy, taking all those in the VIP
Now I’m like damn, wow
Look at you now
You got the whole world chasing you down
This man re-met her now now
Y’all dressed in black black black
With a rude attitude tude tude
And tattoos down your back back back
But still you run circles through my head (circles through my head)
Circles through my head (circles through my head)
These she goes again (There she goes again)
And there she goes again (There she goes again)
I just wanna get to know ya
But you turn the other shoulder
And there she goes again (There she goes again)
Running circles through my head (circles through my head)
Burning circles through membrane
Top the beat, shift gears, switch lanes on it
I haven’t seen ya in a minute but the hands of time show me it’s some good thangs for ya
Like a A list sterility, ain’t gotta see ID
Cuz nowadays she’s the life of the party
Glamorous and glossy, taking all those in the VIP
Now I’m like damn, wow
Look at you now
You got the whole world chasing you down
This man re-met her now now
Y’all dressed in black black black
With a rude attitude tude tude
And tattoos down your back back back
But still you run circles through my head (circles through my head)
Circles through my head (circles through my head)
These she goes again (There she goes again)
And there she goes again (There she goes again)
I just wanna get to know ya
But you turn the other shoulder
And there she goes again (There she goes again)
Running circles through my head (circles through my head)
But still you run circles through my head (circles through my head)
Circles through my head (circles through my head)
These she goes again (There she goes again)
And there she goes again (There she goes again)
I just wanna get to know ya
But you turn the other shoulder
And there she goes again (There she goes again)
Running circles through my head (circles through my head)
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